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Monday, February 9, 2009

Winning Moves

We just got the Rubik's cube back in stock. This picture is proof that some people have way too much time on their hands. Mike's Rubik's cube is slowly decomposing somewhere in the Utah desert after being hurled out the window of a moving car in frustration many many years ago! The "cube" has endured, however, and is still one of our best selling items. Winning Moves is a small game company that specializes in bringing back old popular games that can withstand the test of time. We carry most of their offerings, including Milles Bournes, Pit, Canasta, and more. Last fall they came out with Scattergories the card game, which was a hit, and we just got in the first of their new offerings: Risk, the original 1959 edition. I didn't realize it has been around that long. It was the perfect answer to yesterday afternoon's wet gloomy weather.

1 comment:

David W. Allen said...

That Rubik's cube art is THE BOMB! I almost called you guys in a fit of frustration trying to find a non-battery operated, non-minified, non-holographic, Just Plain Old Rubik's cube last week!

Learned how to solve it, so I can add that to my list of Nerd Credentials. Now I need to move on to the sub 30 second solve.