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Monday, April 13, 2009

Go Outside and PLAY!

Finally, we have a really nice spring day. Our newest outdoor toy is the plasma car. Actually, we had these when they first came out and nobody had heard of them. We didn't re-order them right away because they didn't "fly" off the shelf. This time around we hope more people know just how cool they are before they walk through our door. example: "Oh look Mom, Toys for the Fun of it has those AWESOME plasma cars that we rode on at uncle Pete's house in L.A.... can we have one...PLEASE?"
If you aren't familiar with the plasma car, it is heafty enough to hold up to 220 lbs and is rated for ages 3 to 103. Just by turning the steering wheel back and forth continuously, you can get going up to an exhilarating 6 mph!!! It's fun, and it's a great way to use up all that excess kid energy that is lurking around your house.
We also just got in a few new projectiles and some brand new remote controlled planes and boats. Add a few pogo sticks and we're set to SPRING into ACTION!

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