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Monday, December 7, 2009

Made in USA

Just in: Imagibricks from Smart Monkey Toys. These are the heavy duty cardboard blocks that are large scale and will stand up to the toughest little customer. I remember them from the play room at church when I was a kid. We sold these a few years ago, but lost track of them when our supplier quit carrying them. The cardboard is coated for easy cleaning and the blocks are strong enough to stand on. They come flat and you have to fold them into blocks before you can play with them. They are made in the USA and are made of 50% recycled materials. What's not to love?
There aren't a lot of toys still made here in the US, but we carry those we can find that are a "fit" in our store.

Do-a-Dot paints and coloring books
Harrisville Designs potholder looms & loops
Green Toys tea sets, tool sets and sand toys
Taggies natural baby blankies
Fractiles magnetic design sets
Tedco gyroscopes
...& more

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